The LEGO Batman Movie

Set Review - #71020 - The LEGO Batman Movie Series 2 - Collectible Minifigures

LEGO released the second series of The LEGO Batman Movie collectible minifigures on 1 January 2018.  You can see my review of the first set here.  Like the last series, this series contains 20 minifigures.  The retail price in the US is $3.99 each.  You can order a maximum of 32 from LEGO Shop at Home.  Those are the details, let's get into the minifigs...


First off, this set has a new base.  It's the same black color, but it's the first time that there is a logo on the base.  It will be interesting to see if LEGO continues this trend in some of their licensed collectible minifigures. 


First four... to be honest, it's been a few months since I have seen the LEGO Batman Movie and I don't remember any of these from the movie.  So from left to right: Doctor Phosphorus, Black Vulcan, Killer Moth, and Clock King.  Nothing too special about these minifigures in my opinion.


Next set of 4... Wonder Twin Jayna, Wonder Twin Zan, Disco Harley Quinn, and Bat-Merch Batgirl.  Once again, I don't see anything too interesting about these that is different from other minifigures.


To follow on... Hugo Strange, General Zod, Vacation The Joker, and Jor-El.  The Joker looks too much like the Vacation Batman from the last set with the duck floating raft.  


Next four are Swimsuit Batman (to include the dolphin), Mermaid Batman, Vacation Robin, and
Vacation Batgirl.  I expect both Batmans to be pretty popular as they are different from most minifigs.  While the Batgirl isn't all that exciting, she has a pony tail hair piece that attaches to her head piece which is new to me.


I've purchased 64 so far and have not received all 20 minifigures.  Thanks a lot LEGO!!!!  Luckily I've put the extra in my store so it's not like they are just sitting around to collect dust.  The last 3 that I got are Apache Chief, Black Canary, and Vacation Alfred Pennyworth.  I am short Disco Alfred Pennyworth.  The Vacation version is pretty fun though.  The other 2... where were they in the movie?

My take?  Like the LEGO Ninjago movie CMFs, I was not too impressed by these minifigures.  I would have preferred another non-licensed theme of minifigs to come out versus another set of 20 Batman minifigs.  I think 20 was enough.  The only reason to get these is if you are a CMF collector like me.  Otherwise, I'd hold off.  In the meantime, I'll post the remaining minifig once I get it.

Okay, here's an update on 14 March 2018...


I finally got the last minifig.  Disco Alfred Pennyworth.  It took three orders of 32 to get the full 16.  Definitely not worth it.  Having a store where I sell the minifigs helps, but for the average collector, don't bother with giant orders from LEGO Shop @ Home like that.

Set Review - #70903 - The Riddler Riddle Racer - The LEGO Batman Movie

According to Google, The LEGO Batman Movie was released on 10 February 2017 (in the USA).  The sets came out on 2 January 2017 in the USA. I'm finally getting around to reviewing one of them.  I recently picked up the Riddler Riddle Racer at for 20% off. It is regularly $29.99 and I got it for $23.99 (as of today 10 June 2017, it is still 20% off there).  The set contains 254 pieces and 5 minifigures.  The regular price makes it $0.118 per piece.  The 20% off price is $0.094.  I realize it is a licensed set, but seems rather high to me even at the 20% off price.  

Here is the box.  The front has the movie logo, a picture of the set, the minifigures, and then the minifigures listed on the bottom.  The back shows the set again and then some of the play features to include the spring loaded "shooter" part.


The contents are very simple for this set.  There are 2 parts bags, an instruction booklet (crammed into the box), a small sticker sheet with 2 stickers, and a 6x16 black plate which is the base of the vehicle.


The build is rather simple.  The first bag starts with Calendar Man, Kite Man, and Batman.  Kite Man comes with an extra visor.  Batman comes with 3 batarangs and an extra belt.  Then it goes to the start of the vehicle.  For this review, I decided against putting the stickers on.  It didn't take much away from the model in my opinion.  


The second bag has the Riddler and Magpie.  Magpie comes with 2 dynamite stick packs.  It also completes the build.


The vehicle uses a number of great green and dark green pieces that could be used elsewhere.  The green window frames with the yellow glass for headlights is awesome too and could come in handy for a MOCs.

The build itself is simple.  It is mostly studs on top, but that gets the details across.  The part used for the mirrors is the first time I have seen it that way.  In the past I think I've only seen this part as a minifigure accessory to go down a zip line.    

The engine compartment tilts up so you can shoot the translucent green poles out of the spring brick (I'm sure there is a technical term for all of these, but you get what I'm talking about... someone please correct me).  


Overall... I think this set is a minfig pack.  You get 5 minifigures from the movie in one.  The car and the parts are okay, but nothing super amazing or out of the ordinary.  My recommendation is to not buy unless you really want the minifigures.  If you want to get it, definitely look for it at a discount on or Walmart.  My guess is around Christmas time these sets will be discounted even more so if you can wait, definitely do it.

3 LEGO Orders for the Price of 2 (almost)

I placed a few orders recently for some LEGO Batman Movie Collectible Minifigures and encountered an interesting situation.  The goal was to get polybag 30607 Disco Batman and Tears of Batman.  I also wanted to add some more of the minifigures to the store.  I placed 2 orders for 19 minifigures each.  That put me over the $75 minimum to get the polybag, ensured free shipping, and got me a Batman Poster.  Sweet!

A few days later the first of the 2 orders arrived.  The next day, 2 more packages arrived.  I opened them up and LEGO sent me a duplicate of one of the orders.  SCORE!  Free minifigures!  3 orders for the price of 2.  WOOHOO!!!

And then my conscience got the best of me.  I (sadly) emailed LEGO customer service to tell them of what happened.  The first response back said that I could return one of the 2 orders I placed for a refund.  So I emailed again and said that I wanted to keep my 2, but didn't want to pay for the third.  Could I keep it anyways?  In my mind I was like, "Yeah right!  They won't let that happen."  As a seller of LEGO, I would feel terrible if I made a mistake like that and would want someone to let me know what happened.  The next customer service rep emailed me back, thanked me for my honesty, and sent me a free shipping label.  So I ended up not keeping the extra 19 minifigures, extra bonus set, and poster.  I did however do the feel test on the bags and ended up swapping out a few that I didn't want for some that I did want.  I didn't think that was wrong to do as they all have the same price, right?  

With that being said, I have not seen the new LEGO Batman Movie yet.  Have you?  What did you think if you saw it already?

Oh and if you want one of the LEGO Batman Movie posters that I got, just place an order at my BrickLink or Brick Classifieds store and I'll include it for free if you mention this post.

Set Review - The LEGO Batman Movie Collectible Minifigures - #71017

Don't worry, there are no spoiler alerts in this review.  I'm writing this on 18-19 January 2017 and the movie is not out yet.  I haven't seen any sneak previews or been given any special looks either.  So don't worry if you're reading this before the movie is out.  These minifigures were released on 1 January 2017 and unlike previous sets, there are 20 total.  The LEGO company has upped the number you can buy from Shop @ Home to 40.  The price is still $3.99 each and I don't see this being lowered anytime soon.  

I placed 3 orders of 40 each so 120 total (yikes!).  This also included a polybag (#30524 The Mini Bat Wing) in each order.  In the first 2 orders I got 13 of the 20 and then got the remaining 7 in order #3.  Thankfully, I have a store for the items that I got duplicates of.  You can get them at my BrickLink store here.  Here are the minifigs:

Vacation Batman

Vacation Batman

Lobster-Lovin' Batman

Lobster-Lovin' Batman

Arkham Asylum Joker

Arkham Asylum Joker

Fairy Batman

Fairy Batman

I have only seen the previews, but these minifigures are hilarious.  The inner tube with a duck?  Who comes up with that?  Batman in a tutu?  Now that is funny.  

King Tut

King Tut

Red Hood

Red Hood

Glam Metal Batman

Glam Metal Batman

March Harriet

March Harriet

Glam Metal Batman... another humorous version of Batman.  The other figures in this row are interesting, but not having seen the movie, I'm not sure how they fit in.  Red Hood has the standard minifigure head underneath his "hood."  March Harriet has the same helmet piece as bunny suit man, but in brown.  Has there been that weapon before in another set yet?









Originally I thought Catman was a take on the Wolverine as the claws are similar to Wolverine's claws.  The others are some interesting characters.  Calculator has "07734" on his helmet shield which is "hELLO" on a calculator.  Nice.  Eraser has an interesting head which is very different from the standard minifigure head.

Dick Grayson

Dick Grayson

Pink Power Batgirl

Pink Power Batgirl

Clan of the Cave Batman

Clan of the Cave Batman

Barbara Gordon

Barbara Gordon

From the trailers, it looks like Dick is an orphan that Batman adopted.  I'm not sure what else he does or why he needs shark repellent.  

Commissioner Gordon

Commissioner Gordon

Nurse Harley Quinn

Nurse Harley Quinn



Zodiac Master

Zodiac Master

And the last 4...  Nurse Harley Quinn and Commissioner Gordon only showed up single in the 120 that I ordered.  I wonder if they will be the hardest to find of if it was just my experience.  Orca looks a lot like Shark Suit Guy from series 15 only it's an orca.  Also the minifigure head is just the mouth of the orca versus a face of the figure wearing the suit.  

I'm not going to lie, without seeing the movie it is hard for me to get excited on some of these minfigures.  The Batman versions are the better ones in my opinion.  What do you think of these figures?  Let me know in the comments below.

Happy building!