series 15 — Blog — Bricks for Bricks

series 15

More Series 15 Minifigs are in!


In the first bunch that I purchased, it didn't include the Faun figure.  I now have it and have completed the set.  You can see my original Series 15 post here.  I also have some additional Series 15 minifigs in the store.  You can see them here.  I have at least one of each of them in the store so if you are short one, take a look.

Set Review - Series 15 Collectible Minifigures - #71011


I originally thought the LEGO collectible minifigures were just a rip off.  You have to hope that you can collect all 16 and you don't know what is int he bags... or maybe you're good at feeling through the packaging to figure out which minifig it is.  I avoided them and then one day while walking through a Walmart I decided to pick up a few just for fun.  From there it was all downhill.  I was hooked.  I had to get all 16 of each release... and the rest is history.

These minifigs were released in January 2016 and LEGO typically keeps them out for 3-4 months (although it usually depends on order and stock levels).  The cost is $3.99 each so buying large amount and hoping to get them all can get expensive.  So what are they?

While I'm not an expert on collectible minifigures, there aren't too many that come with animals.  There are a few the come with cats or dogs, but I think this is the first one with a pig.


As a kid I was a huge fan of all the space sets.  I miss the regular stream of creative space items being pumped out.  Thankfully, the LEGO company has released a few cool sets like the Exo Suit that come close.  This minifig sporting the classic space flag is awesome.

There is a knight in this set to add to your castle collection or maybe to terrorize your city.

Clumsy Guy is a first as far as I know.  I don't ever recall there being a set of LEGO crutches out there.  The banana peel on the shirt is new and different too.

There have been a few Native American minifigs in the collectible minifig sets to include this one.  This one is a first because the minifig has a baby that is wrapped up that she can either wear on her back in a pack or hold in her hand.

I'm not sure where this one was designed from, but it's interesting looking.

In my second order from LEGO, I received the faun.  It definitely looks like he fits into a famous CS Lewis book.




Series 9 Collectible Minifigs came with a plumber.  This one comes with a janitor.  I don't think I have seen this mop design before in another set.

If the pig wasn't good enough, having a skunk in the same series is awesome too.





The ballerina!










This is not the first mech to show up in the collectible minifigure world.  There is the Battle Mech from Series 9 and then the Evil Mech from Series 11.









I think the swords that come with the Kendo Fighter are new.  Has anyone see these before?









When the first pictures were released by LEGO, everyone knew that shark guy would be popular.  This shark looks very similar to the dancer made famous during the 2015 Super Bowl half time show with Katy Perry.








The Wrestling Champion looks pretty tough... except for the sky blue eye paint.











Keep your jewels safe from this minifig!









The queen goes along with the Classic King from series 13.  I haven't seen a dress like this before on a minifig so I think this is a new piece.