Elf Clubhouse

Set Review - #10275-1: Elf Club House - Winter Village - 18+

It’s late April and I’m just reviewing the 2020 Winter Village set… late, yeah I know. It went on sale on 24 September 2020 and quickly sold out and stock levels are just starting to come back. I managed to pick this one locally. It was on sale for $89.95 so I can’t complain. The US retail price is $99.99. With 1,197 pieces, it works out to $0.084/piece.

Let’s dig into the set. The set is branded 18+ with the packaging similar to other 18+ sets. The title is on the front along with the full built set picture. The back shows some details of the set along with the back of the set. One difference with this set is that it lists it on the front as the “Winter Village Collection.” I think this is the first reference we’ve seen in packaging of the Winter Village Theme being an actual theme. I’m not sure I’m a fan of the dark packaging. It doesn’t give off the Christmas cheer and brightness of lights. It looks like the elves live in darkness. Not very merry.


The contents are 11 parts bags with two instruction booklets packaged up with a small sheet of stickers. There are only bags numbered one to five, but each number has at least two bags with number two having three.


Here are the instructions and stickers. There are two instruction booklets. Number one goes with bag one and builds all of the smaller accessories to the set. Number two builds the club house itself. No special features or information about the designer in this one.

Only five stickers for this set so I can’t complain too much. While I’d prefer there to be zero stickers, these add a bit of detail to the set and were fairly easy to attach.


The first set of bags builds a number of items. Elf number one is the only elf to come with a scarf. This elf has only one expression.

Like most other Winter Village themed sets, this one comes with a Christmas tree. Each year it seems it is built slightly different and this year is no exception. I like how this one was done. It’s small, but seems pretty proportional while still capturing what a real tree could look like. The star on top is pretty big, but I can’t complain there. Not bad.

This set also comes with a sleigh and a reindeer to pull it. This is the first time there is a molded reindeer versus a brick built one. It looks pretty good to me. I’m sure these are going for a premium on BrickLink with lots of people looking to build full up teams of reindeer to pull Santa’s sleigh. The sleigh itself is small and can only fit one minifigure with no sack of toys. It also has flames coming out the back.

Additional items are two wrapped gifts, a toy plane, a toy ship, a small piano, and an old school desktop computer. The choice of small gifts are interesting considering some are similar to sets that came out in 2020 and 2021 to include the gift with purchase for Amelia Earhart’s plane, #31109-1: Pirate Ship, and #21323-1: Grand Piano. If you watch the Designer Video, you’ll learn about the computer around the 3:15 mark.


The second build starts the club house. Like most recent builds, it doesn’t use a base plate, but instead uses a bunch of white plates attached together.

The first floor seems a bit small in my opinion. I was expecting it to be a bit larger for the price tag, but maybe my assessment was wrong. The first floor contains a small breakfast eating area with two seats and place settings, a counter with a pitcher and mug, and then a gift wrapping station. The outside is a nougat color mostly. There are three windows and then the door is brick built to fit pretty snuggly while still keeping in mind what you would expect for an elf house. The clock is installed in this build, but more on that later.


The third set of bags assembles the second floor. The outside has a nice window design with brown tiles as accents. The build itself has a lot of sand green for those of you who are fans of that color. There is also a small wreath using the rounded 1x2 plates and some tiles.

Inside is a sleeping area for three elves, a small dresser, a chair, and small table with a light. There is a tile with a sticker above the bed that is a December calendar.

If you watched the designer video earlier or you’ve seen other reviews, you know that you can turn the clock and it causes the bed to tip to the side slightly. Since the elf minifigures are made with the small legs, they do not have stud holes on the backs of their legs so they don’t permanently attach to the bunk beds. Then they all fall out to the floor or the ground floor. Cute? Maybe. Did we really need this? No. Is this an 18+ set or an 8+ set? Or is the intent for families to enjoy this set? My preference would be to spend the extra bricks on details for the set and get away from the play feature. At least that’s what I want out of an 18+ set.


The fourth set of bags adds the roof, some Christmas lights, a small deck with a telescope, a tree out front, and a pole with directional signage (using stickers). I like the roof design and I think the piece usage is fairly simple to achieve some interesting angles for the build.

While not pictured in this review, you install the light brick at the apex of the roof. There is a Technic axle that you put pressure on which hits the light brick. That then lights up the club house. Most Winter Village sets have a light brick and I think it works with this set too.

This bag comes with an elf with a red megaphone. The elf has a smiling face and then a face that looks like he/she is not quite sure about things.


The last set of bags adds a chimney that is the height of the roof. It is added in the back of the building on a hinge so you can fold it in or turn it out. There is a small stocking about halfway up. If you watched the designer video, this chimney includes the waffle machine. You insert the 1x1 round printed tiles into the slot, move the 1x4 tile arm, and a waffle piece falls out onto a pan. Then you can tip the pan out to feed an elf. A clever design for playability, but again, an 18+ set? Maybe LEGO has done their research and the 18+ crowd wants playability in the Winter Village theme over design and build features…

The last elf minifigure is in this set of bags. It has a smile one one side and then the other side has eyes closed and mouth open. Maybe the elf is enjoying waffles or singing, or perhaps laughing.


So that’s it. The pictures below show the full set. It’s not a bad build with some fun techniques, good parts usage, and some good colors. The design isn’t all that thrilling and it seems a bit too much like last year’s Gingerbread House (#10267-1) in that it is a themed house for a group of characters to live in. I think we need to expand the line or call it a day. While it has been a great theme, we seem to be running out of new ideas for different buildings. There have been a few in the fan community via Ideas like a ski lodge or a chalet. We just need LEGO to pick one of these different ideas up.

I’m glad I found the set for $10 off as often these are hard to find on sale. Keep looking or find opportunities to use other methods to get discounts or Gifts with Purchase. If you’re a fan of the Winter Village line and haven’t picked this one up, I wouldn’t be in a huge rush unless you just have to have it for your collection. It was just middle of the road for me.

Happy building!
