Edible Minifigures
My NLS (Non-Lego Spouse) isn’t a huge brick fan, but she is very artistically talented. When my son asked for LEGO themed cookies for his birthday, using some cookie cutters we were gifted, she took the challenge on. She used our sugar cookie recipe that we usually use for Christmas cookies and got some made some royal icing (I was not aware of royal icing… she made a frosting and added special food coloring to it).. We’ve made these sugar cookies before so I knew they were good and usually you can’t go wrong with frosting, but they just look so fun!
The gift we were given came with three cookie cutters. One was a full minifigure, one was a minifigure head, and the other was a 1x4 brick. The full minifigure had issues with the hands. They were just too thin to last and either broke off while cutting the dough, while cooking, or when they were removed from the cookie tray. Other than that, there weren’t issues. Before I go on, I did a search and apparently these were from Target. It doesn’t look like they are available anymore, but you can find them online at places like eBay if you still want them.
For the icing, my NLS found examples online of various faces and went to work. She did an awesome job! She tried adding a black outline to show texture on one of the full minifigures (above) and one of the bricks below, but it was a lot of work, for not much gained. In the end, the main customer was very satisfied and everyone enjoyed devouring minifigures.
Here’s a few more of the heads and full minifigures.
Here are a few more of the 1x4 bricks.. You can see the one she outlined in black icing. I don’t think it added much to the look in my opinion.
Have you made these before? We enjoy them.
Happy eating and building!