Set Review - #60223-1: Harvester Transport - LEGO CITY
Another LEGO CITY set to take a look at. LEGO has done a farm theme within CITY in the past. A quick search in Brickset found that there was a farm subtheme in 2009. I found it on Brickset here. This set does not seem to be a part of a larger subtheme. Instead, it is more of a one off like the Snow Groomer.
#60223-1: Harvester Transport was released in the US on 1 Jan 19. It contains 358 pieces and retails for $29.99 in the US. That brings it to $0.084 per piece. I picked it up on for 20% off or $23.99.
Here’s the box. It’s the standard presentation with the front showing the full set and the back showing some play features.
The contents are 4 parts bags, 2 instruction booklets, and a small sticker sheet. Besides the instructions being jammed in, I found bags 1 and 3 stuck together by a piece of tape. I’ve never seen this before and I’m not quite sure why it’s like that. Someone within LEGO Quality Control needs to investigate this one. I don’t know how a piece of tape would even get inside of a package like this.
Before I continue with the review, I will note that the box says that this set is for ages 5+. At the time I purchased this set, I had a newly turned 5 year-old kiddo so I had some help. I had help building and a photographer to take pictures of what we built.
Bag one builds the truck that pulls the trailer that carries the harvester. The truck isn’t anything too out of the ordinary. I like the use of the shield plates on the front to help create the front bumper. Bag one comes with a minifigure to drive the truck. He has sun glasses and like many LEGO CITY trucks, a coffee mug.
The second bag completes the trailer that hooks to the truck. The build is fairly simple although my 5 year-old had trouble with anything that needed to clip on and had trouble installing any 1x1 plates or tiles. On the other hand, the wheels were not an issue and they got properly tested to ensure they spun appropriately prior to moving on.
The third bag starts the harvester and has a farmer minifigure and scarecrow. The scarecrow looks more like a scarecrow that would be in a farmer’s field then some of the full up minifigure scarecrows of the past LEGO has made. The build for the harvester starts the main body of the vehicle in this bag.
The fourth and final bag finishes the harvester. It has a fun design for the shoot to deposit the grain into a truck (not sure of the technical term here). The arm rotates back and forth as well as up and down. The rotating pieces in the front that would cut the plant are hooked in using Technic pins. That portion can rotate up and down and the outer blades also fold up. The whole front assembly can be removed and installed on the truck for transport. The cab top comes off so the driver can get in. My 5 year-old required a lot of help to put this together. Also, Dad is a perfectionist when it comes to stickers so I was the sticker placer. My 1 year-old ended up playing with the harvester for a bit. It actually held up pretty well. The only challenge was that he held it by the cab and the cab kept coming off. Other than that it’s pretty solid and 5+ seems like a good age range (with some help from a parent or another adult).
Below is a final picture of the set with the harvester stored on the trailer for transport. Overall it is a fun build. Nothing too overly challenging, but a few Technic parts that can be challenging for a younger kid. The set has a lot of moving parts and pieces which are good for play. It also opens up the possibility of building more (a field to harvest, a farm, a barn, etc.). Being able to get the set on sale was an added bonus. I’d recommend this set to any LEGO CITY fan. Even if you don’t have a farm scene, it is a vehicle that can fit on a road or highway you’re building. Definitely pick it up on sale if you’re going to get it.
Happy building!