Vintage Car

Gifts with Purchase - Too Many or Not Enough?

I don’t want to say it too loudly, but I think the fourth quarter 2020/Christmas holiday shopping period has finally worn off. LEGO Shop @ Home is once again building up inventory and things aren’t listed as backordered or out of stock as much. A lot of sets are available again with a few exceptions (like the 2021 modular building). It’s good to have things in stock again and to not go to the site and see everything gone.

Looking back, we had some interesting times. A factory closure, plus a pandemic with people at home, plus online re-sellers, plus the normal buyers all added up to some insane buying. In that time if you read the forums and comments in LEGO AFOL media, you saw a lot of negativism from fans related to the Gift with Purchase sets. It was rightfully so for some items, but not for all in my opinion.


#40448-1: Vintage Car helped drive some of the negativism. It arrived at the start of 2021 and lasted just a few days. It was supposed to be out for about 10 days, but didn’t make it that long. Fans were disappointed the fan created item didn’t last. Now you can get it on Bricklink for around $20 and around $30.

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Photo from

#30628-1: The Monster Book of Monsters was initially a Barnes & Noble exclusive set in the US. Resellers gobbled them up in the hopes of turning a profit. Then it went live on LEGO Shop @ Home and it went away after a day or two. Then it came back… after starting on 1 Jan 2021, it now says it will be available through 14 March 2021. So maybe the initial feelings of distraught in the community were too early…


Then there was #40416-1: Ice Skating Rink which was available in December 2020. In the US, you had to purchase $150 or more of products which became a challenge as everything was sold out. I placed an order in December that ended up not making it to its final destination. LEGO Customer Service was awesome and they are re-sending the order… and it includes this gift with purchase set. So it leads me to believe LEGO has more of these available. Perhaps we will see this set pop up again.

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Photo from

The last one I’ll mention is available at the time of this post. #40450-1: Amelia Earhart Tribute is the name and number. It started on 6 March and is scheduled to end on 14 March. You have to purchase over $100 of items in the US to qualify. I saw some speculation that LEGO would run out of stock fast, but it doesn’t appear to have happened. We’ll see what happens as the promotion ends, but it looks like the concerns about gift with purchases and their quantities available may have been resolved since the Vintage Car set was released at the beginning of the year.

What are your thoughts? Is the Christmas LEGO frenzy over? Are we back to normal times where you don’t have to worry about panic buying sets since they may go out of stock never to return again?

Happy building!

The LEGO® Gift with Purchase Rush - January 2021

The LEGO® Company has been having trouble keeping up with stock on the Shop @ Home site for a few months now. The situation was exacerbated in the lead up to Christmas as numerous items went out of stock. At the current time, you can click through the themes on the US Shop @ Home page and see the “out of stock” messages for entire product lines. As of the writing of this post, you cannot purchase any of the Ideas sets. There is one Speed Champion product available. The Creator Expert/18+ section only has a few products available. The list continues as you have to go search elsewhere if you really want a set or you have to wait.

I thought the situation might improve as sets remained out of stock through December and LEGO would use the time to catch up. The only problem… not only did they need to catch up, they also needed to produce the soon to be released 2021 sets. So what do you do as a company with a supply and demand problem like this?

It all came up again over the past few days on Shop @ Home as fans, resellers, parents, collectors, and anyone else looking to spend funds on LEGO sets dove into the inventory that appeared online on 1 January 2021. Midnight hit and the orders started pouring in. There were two gift with purchase sets available. The first was #30628-1: Monster Book of Monsters. This set was available for purchases of $85 or more on Harry Potter sets.

©2020 LEGO Group

©2020 LEGO Group

The second set was #40448-1: Vintage Car. This set was based off of a fan design as part of the Ideas line and was much anticipated. It was available for all purchases over $85.

©2021 LEGO Group.

©2021 LEGO Group.

So what happened?

Midnight on the east coast of the US is 6 AM here in Germany so I got up a bit early to see if it was worth it to place an order. I’d like to know how many people were trying to order at that time because the site couldn’t handle it. I tried to add items to my cart and I kept getting error messages. None of the Harry Potter sets would add to my cart. I gave up. I checked (German site) and it worked okay. I try not to shop there as the exchange rate is getting worse and it is becoming more expensive for me to buy sets in Euros by the day.

I logged in later in the day… around 2 PM in Germany. #30628-1 was completely sold out on both the US and German sites. It was #44048-1 only. Some of the new 2021 sets were at backorder or sold out too like the new modular building.

The US site showed #44048-1 available as a gift with purchase through 3 January.

On 4 January, #44048-1 was not an option anymore. However, #30628-1 showed up again as available. I’m not sure how long that will last. It still shows available on 6 January so we’ll see what happens.

The big question from all of this… how will LEGO® break out of this downward spiral. It seems as though their supply chain cannot keep up with demand. My guess is it would take too long to stand up another factory. Should they decrease the new sets they release and focus on producing the existing ones in large quantity to keep up with demand? Should they place more limits on the numbers of sets you can buy per account? Do you think the shift will happen naturally as fans find other things to occupy their time or the pandemic eventually ends? Should they cut back on the number of retailers selling products? I’m curious to hear your thoughts. Feel free to post them in the comments or email me at

Happy building!