V for Victory

An Update and Something New


A few weeks ago, I let everyone know about how a charity focused on giving LEGO to kids was robbed. You can find that post here. Well I found an update to the initial call and it looks like the community showed up in force which was awesome to see. You can find the update to the story here. I didn’t see a final number on the amount raised, but it was great to see people showing up because they wanted to help. Thank you to all who supported this great cause! You can still support them by going to their site.


Photo from WKRC

Next up, Paul Wellington from Ohio who was on the show LEGO MASTER’S last year just start a chapter of Pass the Bricks recently. I was not aware of this charity, but you can see more about it in a local news story here. There are chapters of this charity located all around the US and in a few other countries as well. Check out their site to learn more and to see how you can help. Great job Paul!

Kids with Cancer + LEGO Sets = Joy!!!!

At least that’s the plan anyways…

V for Victory is a non-profit in the Jacksonville, FL area focused on supporting people battling cancer. One of their programs is called Bricks of Love. Kids with cancer receiving treatment get a token to go into a room and pick out a set to build or play with (some sets are pre-built).

Picture from V for Victory

This is an awesome idea and I’m sure it helps to distract kids from the not so fun task of battling cancer.

Sadly, this story takes a turn for the worst. The non-profit’s LEGO storage area was recently cleaned out by thieves. You can view the local news station’s story on it here. This isn’t the first time this has happened to a LEGO charitable organization either… Sad.

V for Victory is asking for help. They have set up an Amazon.com need cart and they are asking for folks to purchase sets there to be shipped to them to help make up for their loss. You can also go to their website and donate that way. If you’re in the local area, feel free to donate in person this weekend.

Happy giving!