Store Closing


It is with great sadness that I announce that the store for Bricks for Bricks will be closing on 31 May 2018.  My non-LEGO job is pulling me away (from Bricklink, but closer to Bilund).  I have an amazing opportunity that I couldn't turn down, but I will be unable to run the business while I'm away.  I will keep the website running as well as I can and I hope to be back in business in a few years.

Thanks to everyone who supported all of the great groups that we've worked with over the past 4 years.  We're at over $120 for Brick Dreams this drive with one month to go.  I will post the final number when we get there.  Happy building!

We're moving... again!

If you've kept up with the blog, you'll remember these posts from 2016 (#1 and #2).  My "other job" moved me from New Mexico to Florida.  Well, that "other job" decided it's time to move again.  Bricks for Bricks is now going to Alabama.  What does that mean?  The last BrickLink and Brick Classifieds  orders will be accepted on 30 April 2017.  Then on 1 May 2017 the store will be closed.  At this point, we'll have to move it all again and re-establish.  I am hoping to be back up and running in a month or two, but we'll see how things are going.

Thank you for your patience while this all happens!  Happy building!

How to Move Your LEGO Business and Collection


Here's the part where I'm supposed to write a great blog post on the best ways to pack your LEGO collection and business up to move.  Sadly, I don't have that post in me, but perhaps I will soon.  As it's time for Bricks for Bricks to depart New Mexico.  While I wish I did this full time, I do not.  I have another job and they are moving me to Florida.  I'm excited for the move to Florida, but it does bring challenges for an AFOL.  I will lose Amazon's tax free sales to New Mexico and Albuquerque's Bricks and Minifigs store.  There is a LEGO brand store in Florida, but it will be around 7 hours away from me so that's not fun.

As for moving my collection and the store, that's another story.  These are just some of the boxes.  I have a few other staging areas in my home and it drives my NLS (Non-Lego Spouse) nuts to see the pile getting bigger.  If anyone has advice on how to do this, let me know.  My current plan is to have a good inventory of what is in each box and to take pictures of the more expensive and harder to replace items.  Beyond that, I'm just hoping for the best.

The site will remain up during the move, but I'm not sure how often I'll be able to post to the blog.  The store on this site and the Brick Classifieds store will close on 26 June 2016.  For minifig purchases from my store, I'm offering free shipping on orders over $30 of minifigs.  Just enter "MIFGSHIP" at your time of purchase.  For the Brick Classifieds store I went through and lowered some of the prices.  I'm also willing to come up with deals for purchasing more than one set.  Take a look and contact me via email with what you have in mind.  Thanks for helping me to have less stuff to move.  I hope to have the store back up and operating in Florida by the end of the summer.

In the meantime, if you have any suggestions on how to move my collection or tips on what not to do, please let me know in the comments or email me at