Can You Watch People Talk About LEGO® for a Few Hours?
Large gatherings of Adult Fans of LEGO (AFOL) are not happening in the COVID world where we need to remain physically distant from each other to not spread our germs. Some Recognized LEGO Fan Media (RLFM) channels have resorted to holding live streams. Many of them are multiple hours long. I don’t watch all of them, but I have check out a few. Mainly I have watched some of the discussions with LEGO® employees. Here are a few you may want to check out or scan through to find useful details.
Beyond the Brick - Streamed 14 April 2020
Interview with Stuart Harris of the LEGO® House
Stuart leaves after two hours and I didn’t watch the last hour, but the first two hours were a good overview of the LEGO® House and what is there. It also goes through Stuart’s history as an employee and some of the builds he has done.
Beyond the Brick - Streamed 12 May 2020
Interview with Alyssa Harrington of LEGO®’s AFOL Engagement Team
I didn’t know this part of the LEGO® Company existed, but I found this conversation interesting to see how the Company engages with AFOLs. She also explains how she was hired and talks about the LEGO Ambassador Network works. The site is definitely worth checking out. Be warned there are a lot of conversations about video games. I skipped a bunch as I’m not interested there.
Beyond the Brick - Streamed 19 May 2020
Interview with JANGBRiCKS
If you’re interested in LEGO Fan YouTubers, this is a good discussion about running a channel and what the current landscape is like.
Lots of extraneous discussion about random topics so depending on your attention span, you may want to skip forward a bit.
Boone Langston has a channel on called Boone Builds. If you don’t know Boone, he was one of the finalists on LEGO Master’s USA Season 1. He has some interviews of AFOLs as well, but I’m highlighting a few videos he has with LEGO® Company employees.
Boone Builds - Streamed 15 May 2020
Interview with LEGO® Company Designers Carl Merriam and Mike Psiaki
A video of the new (at the time) set highlighting #10273-1: Haunted House and reviewing some of the details of the set. Mike and Carl share their humor so you’ll have to deal with some of the banter as well as the LEGO discussions.
Boone Builds - Streamed 22 May 2020
Interview with Jan Beyer Manager of LEGO® Fan Events
A great look at fan events around the world with a lot of behind the scenes pictures.
So there are a few videos you may want to check out. Any others I should highlight? Let me know in the comments or you can email me at
Thanks and happy building!