Brick Fan

LEGO Product Availability Update (in the US)

The Brick Fan posted a note on 14 May 2020 from the LEGO Company regarding stock levels in the US. It answers my question from my post on April 29 2020 about all of the sets out of stock/back ordered. Read the article for the full details, but the short answer is they have higher demand in the US due to people at home wanting to build and then the factory in Mexico having to shut down. Looks like LEGO is trying to adjust supply chains as the factories in Asia and Europe are not shut down. We’ll have to see what happens.

In the meantime, get to know someone in Europe who can hook you up with sets from here…

Happy building!

The LEGO Company Steps into the COVID-19 Fight

I first saw it on the Brick Fan web site, but it appeared first on LEGO’s Facebook page. LEGO is using some of it’s equipment to build protective visors for medical teams. The video is on the Facebook page as well as on the Brick Fan site here. It’s even made some of the mainstream media like in the USA Today here. While there’s been a lot of different companies stepping up to help during the pandemic, it’s great to see one of my favorite brands get into the action. Thank you LEGO!

No bricks in these containers!

No bricks in these containers!