Botanical Garden

Set Review - #41757-1: Botanical Garden - Friends

A Friends set… what??? This is the first one I’ve ever built ever so time for a review. #41757-1: Botanical Gardens was released on 1 June 2023 and as of today it’s retired. I caught it on sale before Christmas 2024 and picked up two to try and assemble a larger Botanical Garden instead of the expensive Ideas set. This one was $79.99 and had 1,072 pieces which worked out to $0.075 per piece. I got it for $65, but saw it for a bit cheaper before it retired. Now you’ll have to catch it on the secondary market and it’ll probably be more expensive. Sorry if you missed it.

The box is very bright and friendly with the Friends logo on the front and the set displayed. The set is listed as 12+ which I was surprised to learn that it was designed for an older age group. The back shows some of the plants represented in the set along with some of the build details.

The set contains seven parts bags, an envelope with the instructions and stickers, and then two tan plates (16x16 and 8X16).

Here are the instructions and stickers. 11 stickers isn’t too bad, but I’d always like fewer. These stickers fit well with the set and help to add to the details so I guess I can’t complain.

Bag one starts with the pond on the outside of the building. The pond has a lot of details with printed koi, two ducks, lily pads, some flowers, and a small stand on the outside that gives the details on the plants there. The hole on the outside will hold a tree later on in the build.

The second bag starts to build the indoor garden itself. Inside are some desert plants and a faucet to help water the plants. The tiles in the center are for a tree later in the build.

The third bag adds to the building and includes some additional exotic plants. It also adds in some windows along with some tiles as a walking path on the outside of the building.

The fourth bag attaches a sun roof covering some additional plants. The build so far is pretty good. It’s got some fun details and decent build techniques, but it’s not overly challenging.

The fifth bag adds the half dome on the top with some butterflies. There is a small area with some butterfly food and a fountain on the top level outside of the building.

Bag six adds a tree in the center of the structure that can grow up into the dome area.

Bag seven, the final bag, adds a cherry tree to the outside. The pink leaves and flowers are a nice pop of color with the white building in the background.

Here’s the final build. I’ve never built a Friends set before, but this one was much better than I expected. I enjoyed the build and for those of you MOC builders out there, it has some decent pieces to use. I’m not a fan of the mini dolls and chose not to include them. We’ll populate it with minifigures at a later date. The set was a bit expensive, but the price per piece wasn’t too bad. I am glad I got it at a discount.

As mentioned at the beginning, I purchased two at a discount. It actually worked out good as my kiddos each got to build one.

This was the final product. My kiddos and I teamed up to build at once so it got a little crowded, but we had fun expanding it and figuring out how to use all the pieces along with adding some extra pieces. It’s not the model you’d expect to see on an AFOL website, but we had a blast trying to merge the two and we have another building to add to a future city..

Does anyone else build with their kiddos like this? Any other sets we should try?

Happy building!

How Many Botanical Gardens Do We Need?

On Tuesday, 19 December 2023, the LEGO Ideas team released the results of their last half of 2023 review with 71 designs under consideration. You can read the post and watch the video here. The second set listed was by Fan Designer Valentina Bima (aka Goannas89) and it’s titled “The Botanical Garden.”

Image from

It’s an awesome design with some great details and 8 minifigures. We’ll see what the final set looks like, but hopefully the LEGO designers can do it justice.

But wait…

Don’t we already have a Botanical Garden set?

We have #41757-1: Botanical Garden from the Friends theme as seen here.

I realize there are a lot of differences. Minifigures versus minidolls, one is designed as a play set while the other is a… bigger play set… maybe… and obviously size, but I’m curious as to why the Ideas team selected another Botanical Garden set when LEGO has one available already?

If LEGO is looking to appeal to a wider audience, I think they have done that already. I posted Tiago Catarino’s review video below. Around the 4:45 mark, he starts to talk about buying two of these sets and making a larger Botanical Garden. Tiago used two pieces from his collection to make it work and I have seen numerous other posts of people doing a similar thing. The Friends set has appealed to a larger audience already beyond the normal Friends fans. Why would LEGO need to try and do it again? #41575-1 costs $79.99 in the US. Two will set you back $159.98. Will this new Ideas set have more details at a lower price point? We’ll have to wait and see I guess.

Happy building!