Set Review - #40370-1: Steam Engine
I wrote about the 40 Year Anniversary train set released in March 2020 as a gift with purchase back in this post. My set arrived and I had a chance to put it together. Here’s my review. The set contains 188 pieces and 1 minifigure. It is no longer available from LEGO so time to find it on the secondary market if you missed it (sorry).
If you want an in depth review from some LEGO train experts, check out the Brick Model Railroader’s review at this link. They go way more in depth into the model that I ever could. I will just give you my opinions.
Here’s the box. It’s nothing too special other than it does have the old logo on the bottom right of both sides.
The contents are 3 parts bags, a sticker sheet, and 4 large pieces to include 2 red 2x16 plates and 2 light gray 6x10 plates. The instruction booklet focuses on the build only and doesn’t have any fun details about the anniversary or the history of LEGO trains. It’s a gift with purchase set so I guess they can’t put too much into it. While I am not a fan of stickers, I do like the metallic look of these stickers. The silver color goes well on the set. Especially the 40 year sticker.
The build isn’t broken down in the instructions or by bag so I picked a few logical points. You start with the minifigure dressed in the old outfit with 2 dots for eyes and a line for a face. You also build the base of the set which is very similar to the Architecture line of sets only you have to apply the sticker for the set name versus having a printed tile. You also attach the 40 years sticker here.
Next is the base of the train. I can’t remember the last time a set came with 2x10 bricks. The base is pretty simple only it includes some Technic pieces which I’m pretty sure were not included in the original set.
And then the final thing. It is mostly studs on top and is a pretty simple build. There is no magnetic buffer so you’ll either have to use one or create one if you plan to hook this up to a train. The buffers are a fun design and something I’d consider using on a MOC in the future if necessary.
So If you look at my front and back view pictures, you realize that I need to space the wheels out a bit more so the engine can fit on the stand. Otherwise, you get a crooked display like I have. Whoops.
Overall, it’s not a bad set. As a train fan, I like it as it goes back to the original days of trains, but it has a few of the modern upgrades. I would have preferred for it to be displayed on a track, but I’m sure that didn’t happen due to cost and the goal to keep this set small and cheap to produce.
If you want to get this set, sadly you’ll have to get it on the secondary market and I’m sure it’s going for quite a bit by now. There’s no telling if LEGO will offer it again or not.
As to whether this is a sign of things to come at LEGO, it’s hard to say. I doubt the train theme will pick up with any force beyond what is out there. Would I love to see a Creator Expert style train line again, you bet? I’m not keeping my hopes up though.
What are your thoughts? Is this a sign of changes at LEGO? Or just a fun set to remember an anniversary?
Happy building!