MECHS!!!! -- Bricks in the News - NPR
A lot of the Fan Media sites are quick to publish articles when LEGO shows up in popular media or a larger news media site. I caught one yesterday that I haven’t seen posted elsewhere. It was posted on 28 November 2022 on NPR. The article is written by Rakiesha Chase-Jackson. It’s titled “How Legos helped me rebuild my foundation.”
And before I go any further, I will acknowledge that there are some fans out there screaming about the misuse of “Legos” and how she should have said “Lego Sets” or Lego Bricks” or something like that. It’s all good friends. Not the end of the world. We get what she’s talking about.
You can find the NPR article here. It’s a good story about someone stumbling into the hobby and how they came to enjoy it. I think it also does a good job pointing out the benefits of LEGO producing sets in different themes to appeal to different audiences. Not everyone has to be a die hard Star Wars fan. Some people are really into mechs.
Enjoy the read. Happy building!