Nearby the LEGO® House - A Short Tour
I did not get hooked up with any kind of special tour of the area or even ask for one, so here’s a quick tour of the LEGO® campus near the LEGO® House.
This sign is pretty close to the exit/entrance to the parking garage.
While not open to the public, you can see the LEGO Idea House from the outside. This building is connected in the front by Ole Kirk Christiansen’s original house. I didn’t take a picture of the house in the front as they were doing renovations at the time and it was covered with scaffolding. The LEGO Idea House is in the back and while I didn’t go in, you can watch Beyond the Brick’s tour here. You can see through the windows in the front some of the museum to include the original green molding machine.
I’m not sure where I saw it… some documentary video on LEGO® or something, but this building was described as where all of the design magic happens. I did not go inside and I don’t have the official word from The LEGO® Group so I could be wrong. They have the ability to close the various shutters that you see that are open so prevent people from taking video or pictures of what is inside. They didn’t shut the shutters after I took my picture. I didn’t get too close, but you can’t see too much anyways. You could see some LEGO® items in the window to include a poster from The LEGO® Movie in one of the windows, but that’s about it.
After you pass the Idea House and some shops, you come up to the LEGO® House. The entrance visible from here leads directly into the Square area. Underneath the yellow steps is the Brand Store. The windows furthest to the left are some of the staff offices for the administration of the facility. If you were to go to the right in this photo, you would see the restaurants inside the LEGO® House.
Sorry for such a short tour, but my goal was to go to the LEGO® House and not tour around the campus. Maybe someday I will get into the Inside Tour…