BrickLink AFOL Designer Program - Update

In case you missed it, the BrickLink AFOL Designer Program ended its pre-order sales on 15 April 2019. You can see BrickLink’s update here. You can see my post on the original program here. The roll up is:

-13 of 16 sets met or surpassed the limits set to go into production.

-1 set (Löwenstein Castle) is completely sold out (should LEGO bring back the Castle Theme?)

-Sets will begin to ship in May 2019. The box designs were released about a week ago.

-If you missed out on the pre-order period, sets will be available for purchase starting on 22 April 2019. I believe there is a cap on each set so don’t wait too long if you are interested.

If you ordered some sets like I did, you were supposed to see the charges hit your credit card on 15 April. That has not happened for me yet. I’m guessing maybe they will charge me when my sets ship? The web site says they are producing in batches so I am guessing I’ll receive both sets at different times.

I’m looking forward to seeing some of the set reviews on these sets. I’ll definitely be posting reviews of the two I purchased.

Now I just have to wait for them to arrive.

In the meantime, happy building!