Everything Really is Awesome!
And to continue with the reference, it really is cool to be a part of the team. In this case, I’m referring to the AFOL community. Since my business is shut down for a few years, I haven’t been able to post about helping others. Luckily, today I have a post from Brickset.com that covers it.
Some background… in late November 2018, some vandals broke into an Orange County, California elementary school. They specifically targeted the library where the librarian had a large number of LEGO sets displayed on the tops of the shelves. You can read about the incident here.
Well thanks to Brickset, we have the aftermath of that story. A group of AFOLs took time over their Christmas holiday periods to go to the school and put the collection back together. Not only did they give of their time and talent, but some even gave bricks from their own collections to replace broken parts. You can read the article on Brickset here about the Justice LUG.
It makes me proud to be a member of the AFOL community after reading stories like this. Great job gang!