Sign Ups are Open for the LEGO® Inside Tour 2019
Have you ever wanted to get inside the factory in Billund, Denmark where LEGO bricks are made? Do you think it would be cool to get to spend time with LEGO designers. Would you like to have the opportunity to shop at the employee store? Are you a LEGO fanatic and would eat, breathe, and sleep LEGO given the opportunity?
If you said yes to any or all of those and you can cough up over $2,000 (not including transportation), then sign up for the LEGO® Inside Tour. Sign ups started today (29 Oct 2018) and end 2 Nov 2018 at 1000 AM CET (Denmark time). The tour is 2.5 days long and the funds you spend include meals, lodging, and some cool freebies (or not really free because you paid for them). If you want more details or if you want to sign up, go to the LEGO House Website. Also, do a web search on your favorite search engine for write-ups and videos from previous attendees.
It used to be a first come, first serve kind of thing and sign ups ended in a minute or 2. Now it appears to be a lottery system where everyone can sign up and they pick people out of that pool. I looked at a number of reports from previous attendees and they said over 5,000 applied for around 175 slots. I’m not sure how accurate those numbers are, but it’s probably fairly close.
There are 4 tour dates listed:
8-10 May 2019
12-14 June 2019
11-13 September 2019
18-20 September 2019
The form you fill out to register lets you select dates. I selected all 4 as right now I am available for any of them. If you know you can’t make one or another, don’t select it. The rules say you have a 3 day period once selected to turn it down so you are not locked in right away. The form asked for some basic information (name, contact info, age) and it asked some LEGO info. Are you in a LUG? What is your favorite theme? What do you like to do with LEGO?
I’m curious to see how they narrow it down. Or we’ll never know.
Good luck if you sign up. I hope you can attend. Or maybe I’ll get picked and I’ll see you there. Since I can drive there, it makes attending a bit more affordable. If I don’t make it and you do, let me know how it goes.
Happy building!