How to Create Your Own LEGO® Based Event
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If you're a LEGO® fan, you're probably familiar with some of the people who have started businesses associated with their favorite brick based building materials. A few weeks back I posted about Brik Book. Where you can buy covers for your Mac Book laptops and build designs on them. There are many others out there to include customized bricks and minifigures, renting sets, and then your standard sales of LEGO® items.
Today I have another LEGO® based business to share. The company is called Learn with Bricks LLC and its founder is Chad Collins. I heard about this company from a podcast I listen to called Entrepreneur on Fire. Chad was episode 783 and you can find the link to get more about him and his interview here.
Chad started Brick Fest Live. In short it is a weekend long event revolving around LEGO® geared towards younger fans. They have a good intro video on You Tube that shows the highlights of the event. The event features a derby race (kids build cars out of bricks and race them down a track), free build areas, a chance to build a piece of a LEGO® mosaic, a mini golf course made out of bricks, models on display, a chance to play LEGO® based video games, and more. The site lists 8 upcoming events between August and December. Most are in bigger cities, but they are fairly spread out with events in NY, CA, CO, FL, VA, and MD. Looking through their social media it looks like they've had shows elsewhere to include PA and TX.
Until hearing this podcast, I had never heard of this event before. I'm sure it's a lot of work to put on an event like this, but I'll bet the attendance is pretty good at these events. The link for tickets on the website lists prices at between $22 to $27 depending on location. It sounds like an interesting and fun event to attend. If you've been to one of these events, let me know. Either post in the comments or send an e-mail to let me know what you thought of it.