Set Review - Homing Spider Droid - #75142 - Star Wars
Another Star Wars set review I must do. And I'll stop writing like Yoda now. This is the Homing Spider Droid, #75142. It comes from episode III in the second released trilogy. This set is $29.99 in the US and contains 310 pieces. That's $0.097 per piece which isn't too bad considering it's a Star Wars set. This set was released on 1 March 2016 in the US and is still available now. I got mine from LEGO Shop at home for double VIP points so I can't complain. So should you get it too?
So let's get started. The box front is pretty standard in the same theme that most of the other recent Star Wars sets I have reviewed have followed.
The back also follows the same pattern. It shows all the play features and the "weapons" included in the set.
The box contents are 3 bags of bricks, an instruction booklet that is shoved into the box and has a permanent crease, and the round Technic piece that serves as the main piece of the larger homing spider droid.
Bag 1 has 2 of the Battle Droids, completes the smaller homing spider droid, and starts the larger droid. The Battle Droids are the same as previous sets. The smaller homing spider droid is a simple build. Nothing too special about it to talk about.
Battle Droids
The start of the larger homing spider droid.
Smaller Battle Droid with extra pieces.
41st Kashyyk Clone Trooper
Bag 2 continues with the larger homing spider droid. In my opinion there are some good pieces included that could be useful in some MOCs or other builds. It also includes a 41st Kashyyk Clone Trooper. Last year LEGO released a minifigure pack of Kashyyk Clone Troopers. This one is slightly different. Last years are here and here. The uniform is slightly different and they have the LEGO "shooting" blaster that flicks a 1x1 round plate. This set has the standard LEGO Star Wars blaster.
Larger Homing Spider Droid build at the end of bag 2.
The final bag includes Yoda with a green light saber and adds the legs to the homing spider droid along with the weapon on the bottom. The droid is a little flimsy and I think there was definitely a balance the designers took between making a larger, more expensive droid and a smaller, more affordable droid meant for kids aged 7 to 12 to play with. As mentioned, there are some good pieces to used for MOCs too so if you don't like the droids, use the pieces elsewhere.
Yoda with light saber.
The final set with minifigures.
Overall, it's not a bad set. The homing spider droid isn't a super exciting build, but if you're looking to recreate a Star Wars battle scene, this might be a good set to get. The minifigures are good. Yoda is always popular and you can't ever have too many clone troopers right? Well maybe you can. The battle droids aren't really exciting and tend to be in a lot of sets so nothing too special there. I rate this set as middle of the road. It's not bad, but there really isn't anything too special about it. What are your thoughts?