Set Review - Clash of the Heroes - #76044
Okay, so I'll admit it... I don't follow Super Heroes much. DC Comics and Marvel are not at the top of my list. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know why Batman and Superman are fighting. Shouldn't they be on the same side? I should probably look that up.
In the meantime, I do follow LEGO and the sets LEGO releases. Released on 2 January 2016, the Clash of the Heroes contains 92 pieces and 2 minifigures. It has an armored Batman and then Superman. Batman's head glows in the dark and has 2 different facial expressions. Superman has the same to include one with a normal looking face and one with red eyes. The set cost $12.99 brand new and I have yet to see it advertised for sale anywhere. That works out to be $0.14 per piece which is rather high, but the norm for some of the smaller sets like this one.
Here is what the box looks like:
Nothing special about the box. It shows the set on the front and the back shows some of its features to include the "super jumper" (a plastic piece that lets a figure "jump") and a Technic piece add on that allows Batman to "jump" towards Superman.
Here are the contents. A sticker sheet with one sticker... I can't complain I guess. There's an instruction booklet, 2 parts bags, and a larger part outside the bag.
There's an armored Batman. He comes with armor and some weapons.
This is the first instance of this Superman figure. I only picture the figure this way, but you can rotate the head to see another face. The same goes for Batman.
The build is fairly simple and straight forward. The pieces are not bad, but I wouldn't buy the set just for the pieces. Having the Bat Signal is pretty neat, but it doesn't justify the higher price either. Here is what the final set looks like.
You'll notice behind where Batman is in the picture, there is a Technic pin. If you put Batman in front of it and move the pin, he can "jump" forward. The clear piece in the front of the picture is the "super jumper" so Superman can "leap" at Batman. I noticed this feature last year, but maybe it has been around for a while. Either way, it doesn't do much for me. Maybe for the younger audience it has an appeal. I tried it and Superman doesn't jump really well. I recommend using your imagination and picking up Superman with your hand to pretend he is flying at Batman. That way you can make a fun swooping noise with your mouth too. Back to the intro of this post... why are they fighting anyways? The joy of LEGO... I can always turn this set into a cafe where Superman and Batman meet up for some coffee and donuts.
So my final opinion on this set. Get this if you want the minifigures. The build itself is rather simple and it is geared towards kids as opposed to an old kid like me. The parts can be found elsewhere and if you want the Bat Signal, I'm sure you can find it online. The minifigures are pretty good though Batman and Superman have come in various forms and these are pretty impressive. Also, watch for chances to catch the set on sale.
The 2 heroes from this set are below if you are interested in them as well as some other versions for sale in the store on BrickLink.