The verdict is in...

If you couldn't tell from my last post, I ordered the maximum amount of series 13 from LEGO and 32 small bags containing minifigures arrived.  Did all 16 end up in the order?  Sadly no.  11 of the 16 arrived with a lot of duplicates (as you can see below).  The total list:

     Classic King - 1
     Sheriff - 1
     Snake Charmer - 2
     Goblin - 5
     Alien Trooper - 1
     Egyptian Warrior - 3
     Carpenter - 3
     Evil Wizard - 2
     Disco Diva - 4
     Hot Dog Man - 3
     Galaxy Trooper - 7
The leaves the Lady Cyclops, Samurai, Fencer, Paleontologist, and Unicorn Girl.  I'm disappointed that I didn't get all 16, but I have some extras to add in for future sales.  My favorite from this set is Hot Dog Man.  What are your thoughts?
